Saturday, February 15, 2014

Size does matter

We have a man shed - one of those aluminium (strong and durable of course) custom made, perfect fit sheds with a window for fresh air and two doors for easy access. It's been a long time coming, this shed, and the preparation and planning was meticulous and precise until the final execution or should I say, erection.

I have to agree with Rob on this and say that yes, we did need another shed. When we bought the house it came with a tiny garden shed at the side and it barely has enough room to hold the lawn mower and a couple of garden tools. As a result the double garage has become the storage shed, so much so, that we have room for only one car (mine) and Rob's has had to sit outside in the weather. We did need another shed.

Now as you know - you don't just buy a shed and plant it in a corner of the yard where there happens to be a space. No, no, no. This is a project in itself - where to put the shed. Obvious sites are rejected with a patronising explanation as to why it can't possibly go there - reasons ranging from access issues to proximity to the house.

Once a site has been chosen then the fun begins - well for Rob it did anyway. Brochures were pored over and hours spent on the internet researching places, prices, styles and the all important size. Because when it comes to sheds my friends - size does matter. But nothing seemed to suit - those off-the-shelf numbers just weren't cutting it and finally Rob decided that this was too important to just make do. It had to be right, it had to fit the space, it had a job to do - it had to be custom made - a no brainer.

The rest pretty well fell into place and the shed builder - chosen with care and a lot of research - was able to assist and guide Rob through the next stages of shed acquisition - concreting, power supply and finally the delivery and installation.

Rob preparing for his man shed

What a day that was. The excitement was palpable and I almost felt sorry that Rob had to go to work and was not able to hang around and watch while the miracle unfolded. I'm sure he knew at what point each screw and fixture was coming together and could envisage the structure as it grew and developed until finally .... he had a shed.

The past two weekends have been a series of trips to Bunnings and Masters, buying shelves, plastic crates, little storage systems for screws, nails and other little bitsy things. And finally this weekend Rob has had fun installing shelves, emptying the garage of tools, boxes and other stuff, organising and rearranging in his shed.

A place for everything - and everything in its place .... for now

There is a little bit left over that didn't quite fit but with clever shelving and rearranging in the garage he has been able to accommodate them and we can fit in both our cars. Happy days.

Last night I noticed that the mower was sitting out on its own, sort of homeless. There didn't seem to be a space for it in the garage and the new shed is quite full. Maybe it goes in that space in the middle and Rob will just move it out when he needs to go in and work there or look for something. Yes, that's what he'll do.

Last night at dinner (mini lamb roast with vegetables and mint sauce) I casually asked about the mower. "Oh - I haven't told you what I'm doing have I? (Pause) I'm getting another shed....."

Life is good :)