Tuesday, July 6, 2010

T.I. time

You've got to love T.I. If you're in a hurry - forget it. If you think you're busy, well, you may be, but you still have to wait .

I was reminded of T.I. time again today -I must admit I'd sort of forgotten about it because to be honest, I have become pretty chilled out about things. But today I was busy, I was in a hurry, I had things to do, I had a schedule - a totally foreign concept on Thursday Island.

This morning I left the unit with a list. And one of my jobs was to return my library book. Now at that stage I had no intention of borrowing another as I am reading a book lent to me by a friend. But I can't help myself in a library, or a bookshop for that matter, and started to browse. And of course, found something :)

Book in hand I went to the desk and it was empty. I had seen a young man in the back corner sorting through brochures and I had assumed he was the librarian. He wasn't. So back to the desk to wait - she could be outside, in the ladies, in the back room - I'm sure she'll be back in a minute. She wasn't.

So being the busy woman that I am and not wanting to just walk out with the book - and also not wanting to leave it behind - I asked the receptionist in the foyer how do I borrow a book if the librarian is not there. She said "just leave a note" So I did :)

My next job was to go to the police station to organise and pay for a police check. I've applied to do volunteer work at the island nursing home and it's a requirement. When I walked in, the front counter was unoccupied so I rang the bell - the one that says 'ring for service'. Finally the officer in charge poked his head out of his office and came to assist. I gave him the completed form which he took to the back room and asked Naomi to process it so he could take my money. But Naomi was in the middle of doing something. He told her that I was waiting at the counter and Naomi repeated that she was in the middle of doing something but if "she really wants it she can leave her licence and when I finish doing this I'll call her to come and get it."

To his credit the officer looked a bit embarrassed when he relayed Naomi's message to me - I had overheard it anyway - and I graciously told him that I would come back later. Which I did and I met the lovely Naomi. She'd obviously finished her task and was now able to process my form and take my money. But it happened in her time and when she was ready. That's T.I. time.
Learning to chill out even more - life is amusing :)

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