Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Only on T.I.

Every day on this beautiful island I experience something new :-) And while my days are filled with sameness and the mundane, some little event will always creep in and I think to myself  "only on T.I.".

* Only on T.I. can you wear a bright orange floral dress -anywhere - and not stand out like a sore thumb. Julie - this photo is for you. I know you've had trouble with the whole muu-muu thing but is this acceptable? (LOL)
The leg-ins are for modesty - it can get windy up here and big dresses are quite loose and tend to fly up. So at school we wear leg-ins as a precaution  against any sudden exposure.

* Only on T.I. have I felt so far away from family and friends and as a result fell into bit of a hole. But then I would not have experienced the love and support that came pouring out to me, in some instances, from unexpected places.
An afternoon Skype session with Carleen did wonders for my spirit - it was as if we were in the same room, nothing had changed. Carls - can't wait to get your package :-)

The beautiful people in my staff room - such caring, loving souls. Little kisses, hugs, little chats - it meant so much to me - thank you.

* Only on T.I. would I pay $5.35 for a lettuce and not flinch - well ok, I flinched a little.

* Only on T.I. do I walk home from work and as I come over the crest of the hill I catch a view of the beautiful aquamarine water that surrounds our lovely isle. This water is so calming to the soul.

A visit to the foreshore - which is only minutes away - does wonders for me. And I don't do it enough. It's like everything - when it's all around you, you take it for granted and it's not until you stop, look and listen that you realise what you have at your fingertips and how lucky you really are.

Life is good ..... again :-)

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