Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dr Dolittle

This weekend the vet is on the island. She visits every couple of months. To let us know she's coming the council puts an ad in the Torres News and brochures are left on notice boards around the town. Then we ring to make an appointment - Friday for surgery and Saturday for consultations.

Today Rob and I took Kacee and Zoe to the vet for vaccinations and worming. Consultations are held in the animal control offices in the council compound. We wait outside on the veranda with the outdated, broken photocopier and a table and chairs. It was raining today so the verandah was wet and crowded.

After each patient, the vet comes out and asks "who's next?" and in you go. It's a grotty little room - it has a satinless steel operating table which Jo - the vet - uses as a treatment table. Kacee needed 3 needles - her yearly innoculation, an antibiotic and heartworm. She also had a worming tablet. Zoe got her first needle.

Jo is lovely and caring and thinks that Kacee has a sweet nature :-) $278 later and the pets are updated and healthy.

Looking after the family - life is good :-)

Resting after a traumatic visit to the vet

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