Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A fond farewell

While our leaving the pilot house was under less than perfect circumstances, the crew and pilots still gave Rob a very fitting farewell. A BBQ, catered by the very capable Lady Liz, was organised for the night before we moved out. All the crew and some of their families turned up, as well as the pilots who happened to be in the house that night.
Lady Liz and her amazing feast
With Peter - one of my favourite pilots
After dinner, Rob gave a very dignified farewell speech and as a final gesture gave each of the crew and staff a small momento. They in turn said some really wonderful things about him. I sat there listening to him, listening to the others and feeling very proud of what he had done and how he was handling it all.

We moved out the next day, not knowing what lay ahead. Originally we were to fly straight back to Brisbane, but we weren't ready to leave the island just yet. So to that end we put our things into storage and checked into a hotel - the Grand Hotel - for a week. If Rob couldn't find a job in that week - with accommodation - then we were homeward bound.

And immediately the doubts set in. Have we done the right thing? Maybe we should we have flown back home. What if Rob doesn’t find a job by week’s end? What if he does, but they don't need him to start straight away? What if he does and we can't get a house? What if, what if .........

Doubts occur when you focus on what you don't want to happen. I didn't want any of that to happen so I had to change my mindset ..... and fast. And as soon as I refocussed, and our talk and actions reflected that, yes, we were staying on the island - things changed, things started to work in our favour.

The rest, as they say, is history. He got the job with the house and they wanted him to start straight away. Our week at the Grand became only three days - three quite relaxing and enjoyable days as it turned out. Our things are out of storage and in the unit - it's very homely, warm and inviting. Friends have popped in for drinks, a meal and a chat.

It looks like we're here for a little while longer. We're not quite ready yet to bid farewell to this lovely island. Why would we? when life here is good.

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