Saturday, August 28, 2010

A big dress

I've become a local !!! :) This morning, knowingly and quite happily, I bought a muu-muu. Yes - a big dress.

You see every Friday on T.I. is Floral Friday. It's a marketing incentive by the tourism group to promote a sense of community and of course it's great for visitors too. Everyone gets involved - all businesses and even the schools. At the high school, the kids are allowed to wear florals on a Friday instead of their uniform if they want, and of course the teachers get involved as well.

This Friday I really wanted to be a part of Floral Friday - but had nothing floral to wear :( Truly- all my clothes are plain, not a design to be seen anywhere. So, sadly, my contribution was a solitary fake flower worn on my lapel. It was time to bite the bullet and buy something island, something loud, something floral.

Now remember we don't have a lot of shops to choose from - it's Col Jones (no muu-muus there), the pearl shop (no - nothing there either) and Mona's - bingo. But Mona's sizes start at Large. Or so I thought. While going through the garden of muu-muus on display, I found a Small - double bingo. But I guess not all Smalls are created equal and Rob and I would have comfortably fit into this dress and still had room to spare.

Then - brainwave. Mona's not only sells women's clothes, they also sell men's shirts, kids' clothes and ..... girls' clothes. Triple bingo!! :) I found one in my size and it looks great.

So my friends - Silvana now owns a muu-muu. It's orange with big white flowers. It's island, it's loud, it's floral and - you know what- it's also a little bit me :)

Life is good.


  1. Hi Silvana-Why do I think that even the dress in the photo will fit at least two of you and why do I feel as if TI is the place for me...where sizes start at
    TI seems to have bought so mnay wonderful things into your life and I so love the sense of community that comes through each of your posts.

    Sophia xx

  2. Love it! It would be so comfortable, especially for me :)

  3. Actually I'm sorry to say it looks like a really comfy maternity dress, but a belt would do wonders to it.!!
    But enjoy wearing it to keep cool
