Friday, June 11, 2010

Birthday musings

I love birthdays, especially mine :) Why not feel happy about celebrating the day of your birth? So today ..... I did. And I had the best day - low key, lazy, pleasant and fun.

What was the highlight? Well, there were lots. The phone calls from my family, the text messages from friends, the skype session with my daughter and son-in-law and the celebrationary BBQ with new found friends and acquaintances.

But the best thing about my day was the realisation that I'm happy where I am, that I'm happy being here, that I am where I'm supposed to be.

Happy birthday Silvana :)


  1. That is the way to celebrate your special day.
    Glad it was one you really enjoyed.
    Blessings for many more

  2. Wishing you many happy returns Silvana and so pleased that you are enjoying all the new experiences-I am loving reading your blog. x
