Friday, June 25, 2010

New shop in town

There's a new coffee shop in town!! :) Up until now I'd resigned myself to the fact that I would have to wait until I got back to Brisbane before I was to enjoy a decent coffee. But not anymore.

I'd noticed some action across the street for about a week and finally a couple of days ago I walked over and checked it out. And what a surprise :) That amazing smell of good coffee when I walked through the door, white cups with the name of familiar Brisbane coffee house, blackboard menu a la coffee shops back home and familiar things on the menu like panini, wraps, smoothies and salads.

And the best thing about the new shop in town - they are open until late and ....... they will open on the weekend !!!!! Thursday Island suddenly seemed so like home :)

Rob and I took a break from the office this morning and went for a coffee. What a treat - what a sensation - what a great cup of coffee :) My cappucino was delicious - the coffee was not burnt or insipid, the milk was just the right temperature and the froth was creamy.

There are about 4 plastic tables and chairs on the footpath - and they are always occupied. Rob and I sat and drank our coffee in silence. We were both savouring and in coffee heaven - and then we did what all coffee couples do back home - we read the paper :)

Oh joy! oh happy day! I can't tell you what this has done for me. Now there is somewhere to go - to have some time out with Rob, to sit by myself and read when I want some 'me' time, to feel confident enough to say 'let's go for a coffee .....'

Now all we need is a florist and all will be as it should.

Stopping to smell the coffee - life is sooo good

1 comment:

  1. Oh the bliss, they will do really well, Maybe you need to start a florist shop!!!
