Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I like being part of a community.

Rob and I had a bit of a disagreement about a year ago on this very thing. He'd applied for a couple of jobs on Norfolk Island, and was hoping to be successful so that we could move there. I was, of course, against the idea. One of his arguments was that it would be nice to be a part of a community. I counter argued that you don't have to be in a small place to be part of a community.

I believed (and still do) that I can make a community wherever I am, for example within my own suburb with neighbours and local groups. I can be a part of my work community. I am a member of Toastmasters so am a part of that community. I can be a part of my church community, part of a volunteer group community - and so on and so on.

But ..... you know ..... there is something nice about being in a small place and feeling that you belong. It's been brought home to me twice this week. Walking to church on Sunday morning I was stopped by a neighbour who wanted to introduce himself. He recognised me because I walk past his house on my daily walk and so he wanted to say hello. And today, again on my walk, someone I'd met on Sunday afternoon at a friend's BBQ, stopped to greet me in the street.

I guess it's no different from having that happen at home, but it made me feel that I had made it here, that I was starting to belong - that I am becoming a part of this community. And I guess I also feel that sadly, these little shows of friendliness may not have happened back home, in the big city.

So Rob - I agree. Norfolk Island, Thursday Island, any island - in fact any place, anywhere - there is something nice about being a part of a community.

Feeling like you belong - life is good.

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