Friday, July 2, 2010

The best things in life are free

Today I'm going to make a gratitude list.

* Last night while enjoying the company of friends and a few glasses of wine, I stopped for a minute and felt so grateful for where I was and what I had.
* Last week at the craft market a local author was promoting and selling his new book - a self help book. There was a time when I would have picked it up, flicked through the pages and eventually purchased it. There was a time when I would have devoured the words inside as I used them to fill a need. But last week, I looked and put it down, smiled at the author and moved on. I didn't need it.
* Rob supports me in every way - emotionally, lovingly, unconditionally. This man is generous to a fault. He delights in all my triumphs. He is my best friend.
* I enjoy good health.
* I take my daily walk on a beach
* My puppy makes me laugh and melts my heart
* My Mum loves me and wants me to be happy
* My 3 kids love me and want me to be happy
* My favourite wine is available on Thursday Island
* I can enjoy a delicious cappuccino at our wonderful new coffee shop
* Thanks to regular watering and some TLC on my part the garden is looking good. The hibiscus flowers are red and healthy and the flower seedlings have produced little shoots.
* I live 2 blocks away from the water front. When I walk there I see the most beautiful view - blue/green water and other islands not too far away.

I could go on and on. This blog started as a gratitude journal, and along the way I've used it to record my time here on the island :) But every now and then I want to stop and remember .... and be grateful.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Silvana and it made me stop and think of how much I have to be grateful for and your right-life is good xx
