Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wet bum, no fish

Once a month a group of dedicated Rotarians head down to the beach, put on a pair of gloves and start to fill big orange plastic bags with rubbish - it's a beach clean-up :) I must admit I love it. I really enjoy working on an area and seeing it get cleared of cans, bottles, plastic bags, empty wine bladders and lots and lots of broken glass :(

When we've finished, we put all the bags in a designated spot and the council comes by later and picks them up. But by this time tomorrow the litter bugs will have already started to reclaim the beach and by next month we'll have as much to clean up as ever.

After the beach clean up it was back home for a shower, breakfast, a few daily chores and I went to work. And wouldn't you know it? The day I don't bring my lunch is the day I work the longer hours. But thank goodness for fruit, a very healthy fruit bar and of course a few cups of coffee and I managed to get home in a semi-lucid state. Rob gets afraid when I'm hungry and I can't eat - he says I change before his eyes - so for his sake I had a sandwich at home before going to see him and tell him about my day :)

I found him getting ready for a fishing trip on one of the pilot boats. The crew will sometimes throw a line into the water if they have to wait around for a ship - and as there was to be some spare time tonight between a boarding and a landing, Rob wanted to go with them. The weather and the water were ideal so he felt confident of impressing me with a fine catch.

So while he played hunter, or rather, fisher and gatherer I did my usual afternoon stuff - an afternoon walk with Kacee, a bit of a play in the garden and then back into the cosiness of our little unit to read, blog, and just enjoy the end of a very nice day.

Rob is home now. He sent me a text while on his way back. The first one read - "I love you" the next one read - "wet bum, no fish". I knew he'd had a good time though - he was chilled out, he'd had a few laughs with the crew and now he's back into the cosiness of our unit ready to enjoy the end of his rather stressful day.

He doesn't do Rotary, I don't do fishing - he doesn't walk (although he should), I don't fish (oh wait, I've already said that). But I'm happy that he can fish, that his job gives him that flexibilty to go when he wants, if he wants. And I know that he is delighted for me that I am finding so much pleasure in joining in with the T.I. community.

Doing our own thing and then getting together - life is good :)

1 comment:

  1. A good relationship has things you do together, things you do that the other half likes, and things you do just for yourself; so it sounds like all is great with you.
